Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Magic of Amulets and Lucky Charms

What is in amulets and lucky charms that people are so enthralled of? Do these stuffs really work? Some people believe that these pieces of stones or whatever they are made of have magical powers in them. They believe that these lucky charms are blessed by spirits of the ancient times. They said that if these things worked before, long before civilization was born, there could be no reason for these charms not to work now.

Since the dawn of civilization, amulets, talismans and lucky charms have been used, or worn, by people. These devices have different purposes. An amulet, for example, is used specifically for protection against evil spirits or enemies. A talisman, on the other hand, is used for the purpose of attaining one’s objective. Lucky charms, meanwhile and as can be inferred readily from its name, is designed to bring good luck and prosperity to its wearer. These things are believed to be blessed with magical powers.

Until today, many people believe in the power of amulets and lucky charms. In Thailand, for example, almost every Thai wear amulets or lucky charms. They have a strong belief that these objects have contributed largely to their everyday life. In the Chinese tradition, many Chinese believe that the successes they reap from their businesses are brought by the lucky charms they possess. That is why Feng Shui and other Chinese rituals and blessings are so very popular among Chinese.

The major religions also have some form amulets and lucky charms. Catholics always have a crucifix or a rosary with them to protect them against demonic spirits. The Jews have an amulet called “tallis.” This amulet is considered as one of the oldest kind of amulets that existed in the world. It is originally intended to distinguish them from pagans and served as reminder for every Jew of the existence of God. The Jews still use the tallis until today.

Not only people who live in the rural areas use these objects today. The usual notion when it comes to amulets is that people who live in urban areas no longer believe in magic and similar issues. Well, not actually. There are many people who wear lucky charms in the cities. Most of them use this stuff whenever they pick numbers for the lottery. Some display them at their stores or business establishments to attract more customers and increase sales.
Even people in the military do believe in the power of amulets. Perhaps stories of soldiers being saved from death in battle are already ordinary news. But narratives of these soldiers wearing an amulet are also not new to the ears. Hundreds of accounts of soldiers or policemen attest to the power of the charms that they use. They have either avoided being dangerously hit by a bullet, or were saved from fatal bullet hits.
Whether you believe it or not, many people swear to the blessings of amulets and lucky charms. It may sound awkward, but these lucky charms have already turned hundreds of lives from desperation to fulfillment of wealth and happiness.
The Powers of Protection Amulets

The usage of protection amulets has been a wonder for many people and a source of amazement since this practice has begun. Amulets have been in existence since early human history. From the moment when protection amulets have been first used until the present time, people continue to be astonished by the powers of these objects. What do these amulets possess that they are so intriguing and astonishing at the same time? This article will deal with the beginnings of the practice of usage of amulets and the root of its magical powers.

The word amulet is derived from the old Latin word “amoletum,” which is literally defined as “means of defense.” Amulets are specifically made for protection against all kinds of evil; evil spirits, evil eyes, evil powers, everything that is evil or brings harm to people. Hence, they are often also called protection amulets.

The use of protection amulets has been in practice since early civilization. Some of the oldest amulets date back 3,000 years ago. The Phoenicians, Babylonians, Assyrians and peoples of other ancient civilizations have been wearing amulets. The usage of amulets has also been in practice during the period of King Solomon’s reign. King Solomon himself is believed to have created many protection amulets for his people.

In ancient time, the practice of wearing protection amulets is spiritual and religious. These amulets are possessed of spiritual powers and energies that protect the people wearing it. Before the amulet is worn, it must be blessed by a spiritual leader through a ritual or prayer to bestow protective powers on the object. This spiritual leader, usually a priest or a sorcerer, is knowledgeable on every aspect of amulet. Once the amulets were blessed or ritualized, the powers of gods will be transferred to the object. There are also some rituals that must be recited by the wearer from time to time in order to maintain the power of the spirits.

This practice is still present today in some areas, especially in tribal communities. However, the “blessing” of protection amulets today can be done by anyone as long as they know the ritual and they truly believe in the powers of the amulets.

Protection amulets are as widely used today as before. There are still many people who wear amulets to protect themselves against the many dangers that they face. These amulets are also as effective as its ancient predecessors. It is precisely because the prayers, rituals, and blessings are still the same no matter what form the object may be. In fact, amulets have been infused into the fashion industry. Some of the trendiest bracelets, necklaces and other jewelries that we can see at the outlet stores are, actually, amulets. These jewelries were made using materials known to have protective elements and were blessed accordingly to become protection amulets.

Certainly, protection amulets will be in existence as long as there are evil spirits or forces that bring harm or danger to each and every one of us. As long as people need some security or a sense of security, for that matter, these amulets are a handy possession people can always have.